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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Teachers’ Qualities Involve Much in Making a Lively Classroom

Teachers’ Qualities Involve Much in Making a Lively Classroom

teacher must have a good quality in managing his class to get students’ enthusiasm in learning. This enthusiasm could make a classroom lively. You can imagine about the class with a good-quality teacher and his enthusiastic students are very inquisitive in answering questions so that they would probably raise their hands and wanted to be chosen to write their answers on the blackboard. That is just an example of a lively classroom. Obviously, teacher’s quality plays many roles in any dimension and principles of study in the classroom: the subjects they engage, the methods they use, and the pupils they teach. If teachers have mastered these principles, there is no difficulty in making their own lively classroom. Then what they have to do in each principle? Before continue to the core, this essay is not aimed to “teach” the teachers, but it is more for guiding and helping them to be better. And here are the assisted points for teachers as teaching references.
In teaching the subjects, teachers should engage in it. This engagement means that teachers have to try so hard in making they get involved and master their subjects, giving a rational and uncomplicated explanation in teaching, and giving an interesting conclusion. It is also important when teachers give materials to students, they have to be rational. Unless their students cannot catch their explanation easily or they will probably ask for thousand times about the accuracy of the fact, but in a condition that teachers cannot tell them the reason. The rational itself can be defined also as objectivity. Teachers may not give an explanation which is true in their own perspective, but it is proved as unreal thing. Therefore, supporting their own arguments in explaining the materials is not wrong, but it will be better if teachers double check the source and the facts before issuing an argument. There is also an important point that teachers must remember in achieving a lively classroom: making an openness/transparency of learning-teaching activity in a classroom, for example is in a question-answer activity. When doing this activity, teachers must let their students to ask questions and participate in it. Tell them about the answers openly, even though we may not know about the answer. But teachers can try to utter an apology for not giving them a satisfying answers, and promise them to search for the answers. Some teachers often try to ignore their students’ questions which they cannot answer. Then, they pretend to skip the case by issuing an intermezzo, make it hung on as students’ homework, or give them a grin, and then get out from the class to think about the answers all alone. But if this problem happened, distribute these unanswered questions to the whole class in order to get an explanation from a student who probably knows about the answer. Another thing which the teacher can do is asking other teachers for better understanding. Those can be very helpful in solving such problems.
Teaching method is teacher’s way to teach his students, so that teachers are demanded to try to make a creative and fun teaching method. It can be started with managing the classroom. It is a very tough job for teachers. They have to adapt in a difficult situation of a classroom. They have to strive how to figure out all the needs from their students. But on the other hand, they also have to swallow up their emotions, mood and external problems, so that teachers will restrain their temper for the sake of making a climate conducive for learning. In addition, the dynamics and diversity in a classroom must be dealt with and to be understood. The challenge is how teacher mix up all these things into positive combination to support the learning-teaching activity, and consequently, students will not easily to get bored.
Teachers are indeed expected to be creative and work harder in creating a lively classroom. Undoubtedly, making fun classroom activities is a part of their’ efforts. Creative classroom activities can be an outdoor activity, sharing moments or make educational games. That would not be that difficult to make an outdoor activity. As we know, learning in a classroom all the time will be very uninteresting, common and boring. Sometimes we need to get out from the usual rules. Making an outdoor classroom will impact the different atmosphere. Indeed, the noise and visual disturbance will destruct students’ concentration, but we have to soon manage it. Perhaps, by sitting in a circle and give students an intermezzo, share experiences or play an educational game will dump the disturbance, because students will focus on their activity. These activities are the additional ones; teachers do not always hold them all along.  But in a consequent, our classroom will not always be a very rigid place but lively and fun one to get knowledge.
As a teacher, we have to take a look at and pay attention to the students’ diversity in the classroom. As written above, we certainly know that students are various and different to one another in terms of mother tongues, races, clans, religions, etc. so that their needs are also different. We cannot fulfill all of their needs, but try to take a look at and pay attention to them. What we have to do as teachers is respect them and deal with the diversity. Some of our students may be Muslims, but some others are Christians or Buddhists. For example is when Muslims are doing fasting, teachers’ role is to give an explanation to other students that we must be tolerant, respect to their belief, and so on. Students also have different intelligence; teachers cannot judge or choose the most appropriate way of learning for them. They have to be respected and to be helped in improving their skill even though it is impossible to divide them in a group of the same way of learning, so try to analyze their difficulty in learning the materials given. We are also prohibited to favor on one student. In some cases, there is such a bias and over-generalization happened in the classroom made by teachers, which is known as “teacher’s pet.” This term is actually offensive and is used to refer a student in a class who is liked best by the teacher and therefore treated better than the other students (Cambridge Dictionary: Third Edition). This “teacher’s pet” phenomenon should be stopped, because as written above, teachers have to deal and respect the diversity of the students. All students are the same; there is no brightest and dullest student. They all need teachers’ help to improve their skill. Then, what we have to do is make a good relationship to every student, so that they are willing to share their feeling and difficulty. After knowing their needs, reform the students’ behavior. Students always mimic their surroundings. As a teacher, we have to make good behavior. Make sure that we throw the waste in a dustbin, erase our writings on the blackboard before leaving the classroom, turn off the light when it is not used, etc. Even the smallest things will indirectly give them a sample of good behavior. Give them a reward when they do the assignments well or get an A, but punish them positively when they do wrong or get an E by giving them a sad emoticon or call them to make a sharing moment personally for the sake of their improvement.
Finally, making a lively classroom is not as easy as being a good-quality teacher; it indeed is begun with a teacher’s skill improvement. We sometimes hear people say that it is easy to be a teacher. Their opinion is not that totally wrong. Being a teacher is very easy, though. But being a good one is very difficult. Teacher needs to improve their skill along with time which is passing by. They have to experience many classroom situations, handle them and be creative with the class. That makes teacher become a good one.


 by: Anitableau, March 2013

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