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Thursday, March 28, 2013

DRAMA SCRIPT - Echo and Narcissus: Why Can't You Love Me?

Hi, there! I have just finished writing a drama script, the title is “Echo and Narcissus: Why Can’t You Love Me.” Actually, this script is for completing my Drama assignments. My lecturer asked us to make a drama script which was taken from one of the Greek Myth. I chose the story of Echo and Narcissus because I love it, and it was touching. Well, I know that this script is far from perfection, because I am still studying and I am just a beginner, but I hope you all can enjoy reading it. This script is NOT aimed for any commercial purposes, so you can copy my work or take it for a play performance, BUT in a condition that you still put my name on it as an author, and SEND me a permission by this blog.
Okay then, appreciate others and don’t forget that is totally a crime!

Echo & Narcissus: Why Can’t You Love Me?
Rewritten by: Anita Yusticia Sari 111214080

Dramatis Personae: (in order of appearance)
1.     Echo, a wood nymph and lovely maiden
2.  The other wood nymphs, friends of Echo who soon became so bored with Echo’s chatty character
3.     Zeus, (Jupiter/Jove) A King of the God who has many love affairs story with beautiful goddess
4.   Hera, (Juno) Zeus’ jealousy wife, queen of the heavens, a Goddess/guardian of marriage and childbirth
5.     Narcissus, A lovely and very beautiful youth who was very proud of himself
6.   Artemis, A Goddess of the moon, hunt, wild animals, a patroness of young lovers, sister to Apollo

Curtain opens along with a short, cheerful chant or music, showing Echo and other nymphs who were sitting on a big root of a tree, chatting, and gossiping. The setting is in the deep woods of ancient Greece.
Well this is a very lovely day for talking.
First Nymph
Indeed. The sunshine passes the leaves in the trees and makes a heavenly shine on the ground.

It means that Persephone is now with her mother, Demeter, in our earth. That’s beautiful.

Second Nymph
Do you remember the day when Persephone was abducted by Hades and be the Queen of the underworld?

Third Nymph
And Demeter looked for her anywhere desperately, and um...

(Cuts the conversation) O... and the condition on the earth was so bad because Mother Demeter did not do her job as the grain and harvest Goddess.

Third Nymph
So bad! And it’s up until Zeus knew it, and he...

He sent his messenger, Iris, then Hermes to meet Demeter. That was bad. That was a tough job to make Demeter do her job again. Earth needed her. O, I always remember that. Touching!

Second Nymph
Do you think Hades was really in love with Persephone darling? Or he just covered by...

By lust! But believe me, I know everything. It’s because of the Cupid and his arrows. Frankly, Persephone was also beautiful. But, you know who Cupid is. He’s mischievous and wild, as her mother, Aphrodite, not a very good one. She is very beautiful, but she was so evil to dear Psyche. She was jealous to her. How the Goddess of love and beauty could be envious to the mortal one? to Psyche? She jeopardized her, she wanted to kill her! And as you all have known, she had many love affairs, even though she had married to Hephaestus.

(stare to each other, they have already known that Echo began to throw out her bunddle storries. They began to be bored and sleepy. But that would be offensive if they leave Echo.) Huuuhhh... (sigh)

I know, her husband was ugly, but she didn’t have to do such nasty affair with Ares, who was more handsome than... and she...
Can’t you imagine...

The voice of Echo’s chat is slowly faded.
Black out.

Curtain opens, showing Zeus and Hera in their great palace.

O my dearest and beloved wife, why do you forbid me to go outside?

I know who you are, Zeus.

What do you mean, darling? Indeed, I am your husband.
Exactly! Knowing you as my husband for a long time has made me know you very well, even your gestures, even your will to do something. I know every move you’ll make. I know every thought in your mind.

But, I don’t understand? State it clearly. I can’t catch your words well.

O my dearest and beloved husband, even you do not say any word, but your body makes me understand that you want to “satisfy” your eyes and your desire, don’t you?
(In tremble, but pretend to be indifferent and hide his emotion) I still do not understand your words.

O you deaf God!
I know that you have found a beautiful girl, as usual. Please, tell me the truth!

Of course not, Hera darling. I still love you, forever and ever. How can you say that I am that nasty? I’m your husband, and you’ve known me well. I do remember my promise. And now, I swear that all of your thoughts about me are totally wrong.

Well, uh, husband. I love you, and I still do. I just want you to keep your promise, and don’t you ever break it. Catch these words now?

Very clear, darling. Now, darling, get inside your room. I have to go outside to look around. I want to see how beautiful the scenery when all the flowers bloom.
And don’t follow me anywhere I go as you did before. You have some house-hold tasks to do.

And be honest, Zeus!

Hera is back to her room. Zeus starts thinking about the best way to do his “secret” mission, as Hera fear, without knowing by her.

The goddess is so beautiful. I can’t take my eyes off of her. I think I love her. But, Hera has known about this. What can I do? I’m so perplexed.
(Then, he is walking back and forth. After that, something brilliant comes up in his mind, a sneaky and silly idea.)
How can I forget about my friend, Echo? She’s a very chatty nymph. She would divert my wife from stalking me so long. Hahaha, how can I forget her? Stupid, mind! O No. It’s better to see her now before Hera goes back and finds me thinking this tricky idea.

Zeus is soon go outside to look for Echo, who is still talking and talking in front of her bored friends.

There you are, my old friend, Echo. It’s glad to see you again, and you are still with your talkative... mouth.
Ohohoho, kidding, buddy.

O Lord. There you are, standing with your greatness and glory, O our majesty Zeus.
Our old friend, which wind that make you come to me as I see you clearly right now?

(Feel content) O Lord, thank you so much for letting us from this boring conversation.

Second Nymph
(Whisper) Not a conversation, actually. A one-side speaking.

(O Lord. So thank you. We have to move now. Thank you, thank you so much. You are blessed. (They all are gone)

O Echo, I would like to ask you a favor.

O with pleasure. Just go ahead!

I found a very beautiful goddess, and I fall in love with her. I always think about her day and night. But my wife, Hera, has known about this. What I want you to do is go to my palace, meet Hera, and talk to her about everything you want, like you always do. So that it would divert her from messing up my “secret” plan. And, the benefit is that there would be no friends who feel bored because of your chatty mouth.

I think that is great as long as I can talk. Don’t worry. It’s like a piece of cake for me. Now you can meet your girl, and I want to meet Hera right now.

You are so kind. Thousand thanks sent for you from me, The Great Zeus. I’m leaving now.

In a palace of Zeus and Hera. Echo walks straight ahead to Hera’s room, and find the poor goddess is sitting on her bed, musing.

My greetings sent from me to you, your majesty.

What are you doing in my room, Echo? And... uh, which wind that make you come to me right now? I don’t need any favor. No offense, please!

I just come here to tell you about the beautiful of our world and how nice the scenery when the flowers bloom, or when a god fall in love with a goddess, then they’re married, then they have a child, then they...

(Getting excited) O I love everything about it. So now, don’t wait any longer, tell me, please tell me.

Well, I heard about a very beautiful Goddess and her husband, then they had many children, then they... bla...bla...bla...
(The conversation continues until Hera is so boring with it. But she keeps on listening because the story has not ended yet and it is more about her interest.)

Stop talking, I beg you!
No offense.  But my husband hasn’t returned yet, and you are still talking to me like you never know about the use of “comma” and “full-stop” in your vain “speech” to me. I know this is interesting for me, but I get a severe headache because of listening to you. I’m dead boring.

O please, listen again. The story hasn’t ended yet.
(Continues her story in a hurry) The husband with his great power ruled the universe, and he had many love affairs with many beautiful goddess, youths and nymphs. And the poor wife is staying in their house without knowing that she’s been tricked by her own husband, and the wife...

Pardon me? I think I know very well about this story. Stop, I beg you!
There’s something stinks around here, and... I have thought it before.
Echo, tell me where Zeus is? Is he with another lovely girl? Is he?
O you all have tricked me, I know it. (sobbing)

But I didn’t mean to tell that story, O Lord! (covers her chatty mouth with her cupped hand and starts to be sad, anxiety and shame.) I am sorry.

(Getting very angry) You have wasted my time with your vain story, so that I couldn’t find my husband with his nasty “activity”. Because of your impudence to me, I will make sure that you will never talk again. This should teach you a lesson not soon forgotten. From this moment, I curse you not to be able to speak. You, foolish girl, you only can repeat someone else’s last words.
Now, off of my face!

Echo is soon disappeared.

Echo wandered far into the deepest reaches of the woods where she would be alone, because there was nothing she could do. She was in that woods for so long, then there was a very handsome, good-looking youth for hunting in that woods. He is Narcissus.

(Happy singing. Walks proudly with his strapping body. He is carrying his hunt-squirrel.) I go the left, I go the right... there are many girls who have deep eye-sight... Now I ask, then they sigh. Who is the most handsome man? I look to the left, I look to the right... and finally I realized that they’re right... Who is the most handsome man? They said he is me...
O I’m so happy to know that everybody deadly admires me. I am gifted!

Echo is hiding behind the bush, starring to Narcissus with amazed eyes. She wants to say that she falls in love with him, but she knows that she cannot speak any word.

(Whispers to himself) Who is that girl? Has she fallen in love with me like the others? Huh. I don’t care even she is the most beautiful creature in this universe. No one can fit with my heart. No one! I am too beautiful for them all.

Narcissus goes away and Echo follows him around faithfully.  
Days are passing by. Then, someday, still in the woods, Narcissus hears something rustles in the tree behind him.

Come out, whoever you are! I have heard your footsteps for a long time. Please don’t be so shy!

So shy...

I am sure that we can be friends!

Be friends...

Everyone tells me that they love me.

(says in full of love) Love meee...

Echo appears from her hiding place and shows that she is so in love with Narcissus and hopes that he would rescue her from her loneliness. But Narcissus gives her cold empty eyes, goes back and leaves without saying any good-bye.

Echo walks with her heart broken, frailly and loses heart. She sits in a ground; lap her hands, thinks about her fate.

(Prays to Artemis)
Dear you’re Majesty. Listen to my prayer now. I know that I can’t speak any word, but by praying with my own loneliness, I hope that this prayer speaks enough to you. I know that you are the guardian of young lovers, ‘cause I am broken-hearted now, O Great Artemis. A charming boy has made my life more useless because of his rejection to my love. He is the loveliest Narcissus. I know that every woman loves him so much, and I confess, so did I. But he never lets anybody enter his heart because of his arrogance and his excessive pride of himself.
O Great Artemis, you have listened to my prayer now. He ripped my heart, so I want you to curse him to deeply fall in love with somebody and be hurt in the same way he had so often made others suffer. 
Now, I have asked it. Hope that it won’t be too much for you. Thanks Lord.

Echo is too frail because of thinking about her broken-love. She falls asleep and never wakes up.
Lights are off, then on. Echo has disappeared.
Artemis appears. Enters the stage with her glorious step.

Frankly, you are a sweet and lovely girl, Echo. I’m so sad to hear your story. Well, I have a power to protect young lovers like you, and I don’t let the sweet lover suffers like this. With my power, glory and tender-love, I have cursed a boy named Narcissus to fall in love with someone, and at the end, he would feel how painful to be rejected or ignored by someone.
But Echo... now, you don’t live in vain. Your body is no longer in earth, but your soul is still exist for ever. You still remain in empty rooms and lonely halls, hills, waves and cliffs. In those place, every sound will bounce back to the speaker. It is Echo who says the last words.
Now, it’s closed.

Artemis disappears. Leaves the stage.
Curtain is closed.

Curtain opens, showing Narcissus walks proudly with stripping back as usual.

(singing) ... Who is the most handsome man? They said he is me... Yeah! I am gifted.
(then he stops because he finds a pool)
After hunting for so long in this wood, I think I am thirsty. But, as a gifted man, The God and Goddess of Universe will never let their most beautiful creature to get thirsty so bad. Now, here in front of my eyes, there is a pool with clear crystal water. No need to wait for a second. I will drink the water.

(Kneels down to the water, tries to rub his eyes when he sees the reflection of himself. He starts to admire the reflection and get amazed)
O God and Goddess of the Universe. Is there anything wrong with my eyes? This person is so beautiful, good-looking and charming, and... very... perfect. He has the most beautiful golden hair like the sun, his nose is pointed, his eyes are as blue as the ocean, his cheeks are also rosy, and his body is so perfect. O I’m out of breath.
I will try to greet this creature.
O hi, beautiful creature! My greetings sent from me to you. I think I... I... I fall in love with you. Really! I love you with my deepest heart.

(The reflection does not answer any word)
O you are looking at me, and I’m looking at him. But why don’t you try to give me a response? O beautiful creature, it’s glad for me to know your name, would you please say your name?

(Still silent)
Do you want to be mute all the time? I have stood right here for many hours and have put aside my thirst, but you don’t respond to me. I’m broken-hearted now.

(Still silent. Narcissus still looks at to his beautiful reflection)
O beautiful creature, from now on, I have swore to me that I will wait for your answer. I have fallen in love with you and I have pleaded to myself. Now, it’s closed! I will wait for you. Right here... beside you.

But the years are going by, but nothing happens to the reflection, nor answer, nor move, so as Narcissus. He becomes so frail and old, and then he loses his body shape. The curse has changed him into a flower, a Narcissus flower with delicate yellow center framed by white petals.

Artemis appears, enters the stage.

O Beautiful Narcissus, you are so vain, and you are nothing with your excessive pride because you are good-looking and make others broken-hearted. But you have felt how painful of the rejection and ignorance. O poor Narcissus, now you are a fragile flower at the edge of the crystal pool so that human beings can see you every spring as a sample of a man who are in love with himself.

Artemis disappears.
Lights are off, curtain is closed. An ethereal, mournful chant or music comes up for some seconds and fades slowly.

~The End~

Yogyakarta, March 2013

Made by: Anita Yusticia Sari
English Language Education Study Program
Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta


  1. Hello! I would like to use your script in my middle school English classroom, since we just finished reading the story of Echo and Narcissus. I'll give you credit, of course, but couldn't find your email address and wanted to make sure it was okay with you before I printed a few copies for my students to share. Do you mind?

  2. Hi Ms. Anita Yusticia Sari. I am very interested in using your script in my high school drama. Actually, we will be doing a skit for the story of Echo and Narcissus. I will have to add some humor in your script and modify it to conform to the skit mechanics. I'll certainly give you the credit you deserve. Do you think you could allow me to print copies for my actors and actresses?

  3. Hi Miss Anita.May I ask permission to use this script for my story book copilation for my school Project,indeed your name will be written ofcourse as the author.

  4. Hello! I would like to use your script in my middle school IRLA classroom, since we just started making scripts for Greek myths and my myth is based on Echo and Narcissus. I'll give you credit, of course, but couldn't find your email address and wanted to make sure it was okay with you before I used your script. Do you mind?

