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Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Problem Solving Essay: Involving Creativity and Tackling down the Structured Box of Thinking in English Teaching-Learning Activity

Involving Creativity and Tackling down the Structured Box of Thinking
in English Teaching-Learning Activity
Anita Yusticia Sari (111214080)

English has been the International language in all over the world as the impact of globalization. Many schools add English as the subjects in order to make students globalized and aware of the increasing needs in globalization. Though, teaching and learning English in most of Indonesian schools are not really good yet. Involving creativity and tackling down the structured and planned way of thinking is the solutions offered not only for solving the problem of English improvement, but also minimize the growing-on habit of Indonesian’s obedience.
Keywords: English, creativity, structured way of thinking, teaching, learning, teachers, students

People have been living in the box for so long. People follow the limitation of the thing which they always call as freedom. Getting out from the box of limitation is not an easy way. People sometimes need to break the rules, crack the conservative and patterned shell, and start to invent something new and unique but meaningful. The box of thinking—which everybody always call that term—is the way how people see things; it is their perspective; it is about how they think. Having the ordinary box of thinking is not enough; people need to invent something new in order to fulfill their needs along with the clock ticking away. Creativity is the solution to get out from the ordinary box of thinking. But in English teaching and learning activity (especially in Indonesian schools), creativity application have to be beyond of creating an interesting classroom activities. But as the time passing by, the fact shows that involving creativity in teaching-learning English is mostly around what the schools already have. It is not surprising because people live in the years of norm-referenced, where every creative thing seems has to be in the box of limitation. In years, teachers and students are standardized and they are trapped in the same pattern of thinking, where there is no creativity involvement in teaching and learning activity.  
Talking about creativity, people will see this word differently and the term creative seems to be very difficult to define because it is abstract and too broad. It is because creativity is complex and it involves many aspects. When people are asked about what comes up into their mind when hearing the word creative and creativity, they will probably say that creativity is such amazing gift to create something unique and meaningful. Perhaps, when it is translated into a drawing, there will be a turned-on bulb which begins to shine brightly. Because of this word is that great for people, creativity is then viewed as the magic word that can turn around an organization, company, division, or department (VanGundy, 2005).
People sometimes define creativity as the term which is a little bit closer to freedom. Though the bare definition is so cliché, but it is not that wrong. Creativity is looked as the way, the skill, and circumstances where people can do anything in order to break the rules of patterned way of life, the structured and norm-referenced things, or the things done by others. The term free is there for creative people who are in the free condition to invent something new because of being motivated by the unsatisfying result; so that people begin to think more creatively day by day. People also think that creativity is in the same line with madness. Stephen Winsten (as stated by Lefrancois, 2000) said that “the matter-of-fact man prefer to think of the creative man as defective, or at least akin to madness.” People sometimes think that creative people are the ones who are prone to emotional disorders (Bowden, 1994) because they are sometimes eccentric, radicals, or fools. But that is not always like that.
As stated in a quotation by George Lois, creativity can solve almost any problem; the creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything. Also supported by Beyer (1989), creative thinking is carried on by violating accepted principles. This creative thinking will stimulate the different way of thinking and viewing something, or which is always called thinking outside of the box.
But Torrance (1966) (as stated by Baker et al.) defined creativity as:
A process of becoming sensitive to a problem, deficiencies, gaps in knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies, and so on; identifying the difficulty; searching for solutions, making guesses, or formulating hypothesis about these deficiencies; testing and retesting these hypotheses and possibly modifying and retesting them; and finally communicating the results.
Now the term creativity begins to be more obvious. The real problem is not which definition is appropriate, but the application of creativity itself. In the world of teaching and learning activity in schools, creativity is always and absolutely needed. The needs of students become one of the many reasons why a teacher is expected to involve creativity. The needs to get knowledge are also one of many reasons why a student has to be creative in learning. They all have to be the ones who think outside of the structured and patterned box.
English has been the International language and is used around the world. Even though speaking English in Indonesian is not really important (because Indonesians speak their first language), but the ability in using English orally and in written form becomes the plus point for most of Indonesians. Globalization also impacts the needs of learning English; the cultural walls between countries in the world begin thinner and thinner, even almost disappeared, so that learning English becomes one of the needs of today’s life.
But teaching and learning English in Indonesia is still colored by the same activities of improving reading and speaking skills—though writing and listening is also regarded as important. But teachers still believe that communication is the main goal. They emphasize the classroom activities as the means to make students are able to speak in English. In addition, the teachers’ competence and performance in most of Indonesian schools are not that good. The teaching activity is sometimes still underlain by their profession. They teach students because they need that profession—though the case is not for all teachers. Lack of good competence and performance can be also affected by their environments where there is no sufficient English practice—and perhaps, English is not facilitated at all. This lacking condition can be from the teachers themselves. It is inevitable that many of them do not love English very much, but they have to teach English to students. Indeed, this condition will impact the lack of creativity in teaching.
In learning English, students have many problems which block them improving their competence and performance, which will decrease their creativity in learning English as the ending. Their learning style is also affected by their environments, desire, needs, and practice. Many Indonesian students also think that English is only the subject. This becomes one of the reasons of why they do not have to study English deeper. On the other hand, English is always viewed as “something” great and trendy; students sometimes want to learn English because they only need that great-and-trendy label. In fact, Indonesian students who can perform better in English mostly take the extra courses beside their English classes in schools.
Many questions will be drawn here. If excellent English students are the “output” of extra courses, so why schools cannot produce that way? What is the real cause of all these cases? In what way the cases affect creativity in teaching and learning activity? What solutions can be offered to this case? All of these questions will be explained as follow.
In order to get a better understanding in solving those cases, the English teacher of one of a private  school  in Yogyakarta  had  been  interviewed. The  teacher’s  name is  Yulita  Mulyani, S.Pd. She has been learning English for twenty years, and now she spends most of her time in teaching English in private schools and teaching English for foreigners’ little children who are entrusted in kids’ center because the parents work.
According to her opinion, most of Indonesian schools are regrettably not good yet in teaching and learning English, including the Indonesian International-Standard Schools are not satisfying enough in teaching the students. But she said that the better ones are the international schools, for example is YIS (Yogyakarta International School), because the teachers are already the EFL ones who are from outside of Indonesia who work in Indonesia as expatriates, and they communicate through their first language, English. She also explained that the difficulties or the problems of teaching English to Indonesian students are indeed varied. She divided the problems of teaching and learning activity into two levels: young learners and adult learners. In young learners level, the problem lies in the lack of teaching-learning time or meeting, the English subject itself, and the curriculum. In basic-level students, English sometimes are not taught in schools, and the meeting is so little, so that students do not have enough time to get more knowledge. The curriculum was also the problem because teachers sometimes have to play their creativity in teaching students based on the curriculum, and make more than one alternative activities. But for adult learners, the problem is the background of English is not sufficient (even do not have one at all), and the bad prerequisite. Therefore, teachers have to teach the students more clearly and teachers sometimes have to repeat the materials.
But then she gave the solutions for those problems. She suggested for all schools to have teachers who are the English graduated, love English, and love studying English. Teachers have to have a desire and own will to improve their English. They can keep practicing of speaking English with the students, or going abroad to have the real feel of practicing English. Though the last point is not an obligatory, because it is so expensive, and not all Indonesian teachers are capable to go abroad.
And then, after getting a glimpse of the English teaching-learning activity condition in Indonesian schools—which those also become the background of the lacking condition of creativity—the interview was rolled to the main issue: creativity and thinking. She defined thinking as the activity which involves the parts of brain in terms of accepting, analyzing, synthesizing, formulating data, and solving problems. Ms. Yulita said that remembering also belongs to thinking.
Touching on the topic of thinking outside of the box, she explained that today youngsters always think that they have been thinking outside of the box as showed by their rebel traits. But they actually do not. People who can think outside of the box are only the ones who are brave enough to take risks in anything they take and create, so that it is not easy to do it. As the example, when somebody wants to write creatively based on his own writing style, he may disobey the structured rules of writing or the diction, but as the consequence, he will get the score reduced.
Actually it is not easy to find out the reason why people sometimes think in the limitation of structured and patterned way. But she suggested the probable reason which is regarded as the closest probability to the real context of Indonesian nowadays. It is because Indonesian is the patrilineal society. They often see things by seeing the samples first; they see things which have been done by others. They are accustomed to be obedient since the era of colonialism. They have to obey the rules in anywhere they are, in home or even in schools. Indonesian has been following the norm and custom. Therefore, it indirectly builds the traits of obedience which is extremely difficult to be banished. The tough, challenging solutions to do is to build the generation of breaking this growing-on habit by being realized and being together in the creative community which can influences the other communities. A sample of this community is Komunitas Belajar which was hold by beginning with brilliant people who joined together in the same community, being in a process, and influences others to do so—because Indonesian will do something new by looking at the samples first. Although it is difficult to do, there will be the time of evolution in thinking.
Still according to Ms. Yulita, creativity defines as the skill to view things in many way and perspectives in creating, inventing, and solving problems not by following the already tradition. As a teacher, she has understood the winding road of teaching students. She said that all teachers definitely have their own creative activity, and they have thousand alternative ways to teach the students, but the problem is that the ways do not always work well. She also believed that the only thing to make students more creative is teachers have to be initiatively creative.
Now the understanding of creativity and thinking outside of the box begins to be more crystal clear. In order to improve creativity in English teaching and learning activity in school, it is better to look slightly deeper what really becomes the barrier of generating and enhancing creativity. Actually what blocks the creativity is not only traditions, the growing-on habits, customs, norm, and structured way of thinking—as explained earlier. There are many reasons, though. Creativity, indeed, are the gift for all humans. But as the years go by, creativity sometimes hide or block under the environments and socialization. Many adults sigh that they are not as creative as they were in pre-school moments. When being adults, their creativity seems belittled because they have already had the abstract thinking. So by adulthood, the average adults’ creative ability is covered by several levels of shielding and a mind-set that prevents creativity from showing itself (Downing, 1997).  
There are many things which people can do to call and make creativity shows from its hidden shield. But people do not have to recall everything to think creatively. But in teaching-learning English, creativity can be enhanced if teachers are the ones who have to start teaching and creating activities creatively. Remember what has been explained by Ms. Yulita, to make students more creative, teachers have to be initiatively creative. Teachers could not expect students to be creative if they themselves are not creative in the classroom. After that, students will be creative likewise. Though, the only thing to be creative is to tackle down the structured, patterned, ordinary way of thinking.
The first thing to teach creatively is understanding that teaching is an art. In art, there is no limited one line; instead, there will be many lines in a unit. This proverb may be related to the creative teaching. This creative term perhaps will be identical with the ability of teachers to be as entertaining as possible and involving many artistic works in order to gain students’ attraction and attention. Assuredly, it is not obligatory and teachers do not have to be like that in front of the class, but it is sufficient to have students engaged productively in the materials learned. In a nutshell, teaching with art means that providing and facilitating students with useful materials for learning which is never been invented by others. The very thought of doing something different can be terrifying. Yet, creative thinking frequently requires we do just that (VanGundy, 2005).
Teachers also have to have a better competence and performance. It is not enough to love English for teaching English, and it is not enough to have graduated from English education department, or even have lived and taught English in western countries for many years. Think outside of the box! Teaching English for students is beyond of those requirements. Teaching English for students need an ability, skill, and competence. Teachers have to understand the materials before they teach them to students. In a process of teaching, then teachers’ performance matters. Creativity plays its role when teachers need to translate their competence into good and interesting performance. Sometimes brilliant teachers have a difficulty in conveying what they want students understand from the material they are teaching. It is not creative. That is why competence and performance can be related to creative teaching.
Good competence and interesting performance are not an innate skill. Having good competence takes time, practices, and experiences. Reading books, writing essays are not the only way to enhance competence, but being globalized to the things related to education (as the scope) and also the world. There are many things to learn from the world, which can initiate the creativity for teaching in the classroom.
For the creative practitioner is the teacher who does not wait for the next book to come out to extend their repertoire, but takes what they know and combines ideas together to meet the challenges of the classroom environment; that teacher is inventive, inquisitive, and learns from the highs and the lows along the way (Best, B. & W. Thomas, 2008).
Combining ideas in teaching English can begin with the positive thinking to the new things. Thinking positively will influence well in mind and response. People tend to be very suspicious and cynical to inventions of things as if the inventions bring harms, but it happens because of lack of knowledge. Every time hearing new idea, try not to prejudge it, but train yourself to think or say “what’s good about it?” (Best, B. & W. Thomas, 2008) In addition, think positively will stimulate a better idea. It is also one of the applications of thinking outside of the box which stimulate creativity. As the application, try to view English as not the only profession which has to be taken, but as the means for learning. Students need to be taught creatively, and as a teacher, it is obligatory to make them understand about the material. Students have a need to learn which have to be fulfilled.
If teachers have tried to be as creative as they can, students will be influenced in the same way. Since the pattern of Indonesian society is patrilineal, mimicking and imitating will be the background of why teachers have to be initially and initiatively creative. Indonesian learns by samples. Therefore, giving good samples in teaching and learning, and also attitude, will indirectly solve the problem of Indonesian’s growing-on habit to act and think inside of the box.
Students can also learn creatively in schools and also in home. Learning creatively is not the ordinary  learning which is always done by common students. Many creative students find out that they want to be different in one case. They do not accept the ordinary things in learning. They will think about many how to create things which makes them interesting in learning, but meaningful for them. For example, they will create a unique and more interesting speaking presentation such as presenting a brief drama with live melancholy music, rather than using power point presentation. Unfortunately, highly creative students but less intelligent are most frustrated with schools and that highly intelligent but less creative students are addicted to school and well liked by their teachers (Wallach & Kogan, 1965, as stated by Lefrancois, 2000).
 As Getzels and Jacksons (1962) (as stated by Lefrancois, 2000) found out here that creative students were not necessarily the most intelligent—although sometimes they achieved as well as in school as those who were more intelligent and interestingly the highly creative students were not as well liked by the teachers.
Being a creative student in learning English can be done by first recognizing the learning style. There are some types of learners such as visual, audio, and kinesthetic, and also the combination of those types.  By recognizing the type of learner a student belongs to will easily recognize the learning style. Students can improve creativity by developing their learning style. As the example, visual learners who are given homework of lists of vegetables, fruits, and spices, and they are asked to recognize them in the upcoming meeting, can go to the supermarket, and see the realia of vegetables, fruits, and spices, instead of browsing on the internet. Moreover, they can touch the realia which gives them more emotional attachment.
Being globalized and thinking outside of the box are still needed for every student to be creative in learning English. Today generations, and of course today learners, are surrounded by globalization and the role of technology. As everybody knows, English has been the International language for all over the world. In the beginning, it has been explained that mastering English will be the plus point for Indonesian, so that being globalized and being aware of the increasing number of needs in today’s life will matter most for students. Thinking outside of the box is needed for viewing everything clearer and to help students learn English better. Being creative with the expansion of technology, and be wise in filtering the technology flow in learning will also do students good.
Everything has many sides; people nowadays are expected to think in many perspectives, or thinking outside of the box and involve creativity in every aspect of life, including teaching and learning English.  These activities of teaching and learning in Indonesia inevitably still have problems and obstacles that can be blocks to improve English. As the conclusion, Involving creativity and tackling down the structured and planned way of thinking is the solutions offered not only for solving the problem of English improvement, but also minimize the growing-on habit of Indonesian’s obedience.

Baker, M. et al.Relationship Between Critical and Creative Thinking (an essay)
Best, B. & W. Thomas.(2008).The Creative Teaching and Learning Resource Book.New York: Continuum International Publishing Group
Downing, J.P.(1997).Creative Teaching: Ideas to Boost Students Interest.Colorado: Libraries
Lefrancois, G.R.(2000).Psychology in Teaching (10th ed.).Belmont: Wadsword/Thomson Learning
VanGundy, A.(2005).101 Activities for Teaching Creativity and Problem Solving.San Fransisco: John Wiley & Sons
Wegerif, R.(2010).Mind Expanding: Teaching for Thinking and Creativity in Primary Education.England: McGraw Hill

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

SEBUAH POHON dan sebuah ranting

SEBUAH POHON dan sebuah ranting
Ay… lihatlah pohon itu
Amboi alangkah indahnya
Sebuah pohon dan sebuah ranting
Bisa kau bayangkan?

Seruak-seruak waktu yang mengalir keras
Hempasan-hempasan badai dan cerita-cerita lampau
Terlampaui sudah
Kini ranting-ranting itu perlahan berjatuhan
Putaran dan kisaran angin yang menghantam
Menjadi palu godamnya tersendiri
Kini ranting-ranting kecil itu perlahan berjatuhan
Jatuh retak di tanah kerontang
Entahlah pasti akan tersapu periode

Ay… lihatlah pohon itu
Amboi alangkah indahnya
Sebuah pohon dan sebuah ranting
Bisa kau bayangkan?
Sebuah ranting?
Hanya sebuah?

Dan permainan jemari Maha Prima mengaduk-aduk gulungan benang dan meluruskannya dengan sekedip detak jarum
Bisa kau bayangkan?

Ranting-ranting indah yang menghiasi pohon
Daun-daun emas yang lampau
Dan permainan jemari Maha Prima
Memutarbalikkan dan meluruskannya
Walau periode berdentang berkali-kali
Maka Ia akan berkata dengan seruan senyapnya yang menghangat ke setiap lekuk dan geliat jantung hati
“Periode itu akan datang”
“Periode itu akan datang”
Maka ranting itu akan tetap tenang dalam ketenangannya
Diam menunggu permainan jemari Maha Prima
Dengan kesunyiannya dan bulir-bulir kecil yang jatuh di tengah tengadah pekat hari
Dengan gemetar ditengah pusingan badai dan periode

Periode itu telah datang!
Tepat dalam naungan februari lembut dan angka duapuluh tiganya
Dimana ranting-ranting pohon berjatuhan
Jatuh retak di tanah kerontang
Entahlah pasti akan tersapu periode

Secarik kertas hijau di bibir pantai berair datar
Menghijau bersama permulaannya
Menghijau musim semi di setiap lekuk hati yang menghangat dari dinginnya guliran desember
Ranting tua yang lama tumbuh di pohon yang sama-sama tuanya

Ay… lihatlah pohon itu
Amboi alangkah indahnya
Sebuah pohon dan sebuah ranting
Bisa kau bayangkan?

Jika ranting-ranting lain telah tiada
Sudikah pohon tetap mempertahankan ranting tua?
Di kelabunya dan rapuhnya?

Ranting tua akan tetap tinggal menetap menemani sebuah pohon
Meliuk bersama
Menyatu dalam geliat sebuah pohon
Walau pusaran periode dan badai selalu berpusing menampar-nampar
Ranting tahu takkan jatuh
Takkan jatuh bak ranting-ranting kecil

Periode itu telah lama datang!
Jika benalu anggrek merambat naik
Jika sinaran mentari tak lagi hangat
Jiwa ranting akan selalu menghadiahi akar-akar yang menancap erat hingga perut bumi
Akar erat menopang sebuah pohon
Akar erat menopang sebuah pohon dan sebuah ranting
Maka teruslah berdiri
Akar eratnya tetap akan menancap tajam
Tak mengapa, jikalau akar-akar adalah jiwa terang dari pendaran cahaya

Janganlah bayangkan lagi!

Sebuah pohon dan sebuah ranting besar!

Anita Yusticia Sari
Desember 1, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Danau Hitam

Oleh: Anita Yusticia Sari
Rintik sinar mentari Oktober di hari ke 20, periode 2013

Catatan: Ini bukanlah puisi tentang percintaan atau romantisme cinta, apalagi tentang misteri dan dunia gotik. Jangan berpikir macam-macam. Ini hanyalah puisi biasa dan sederhana tentang sesuatu yang lama kau kenal, tapi kau tidak pernah bisa mengerti.
Gaya: repetisi, hiperbola, metafor, personifikasi.
Danau Hitam
Aku takkan bercerita tentang misteri
Gentayang hantu-hantu laknat
Pekat duabelas
Dan gesek ranting dalam seruak angin
Berjalanlah dalam diam
Ke sebuah tempat yang telah kau kenal
Tapi yang kau tahu hanya kotak teka-teki
Atau kotak pandora munafik

Ini misteri akut
Terkadang aku takut
Dan hanya tertunduk bersemu jingga
Aku hanya ingin diam
Aku tapi tak ingin hanyut kedalamnya!
Tapi aku ingin banyak tahu
Mengapa mereka tersesat dan tak dapat kembali
Atau mengapa mereka dapat jatuh sedalam-dalamnya
Pun para pemain kejar-tangkap senang mengintimidasiku
Penyair senang menyenandungkan kecantikannya yang memikat
Aku tak pelak terpikat
Tapi aku takut terjerat

Pergilah ke sebuah danau hitam
Jika rintik cahaya berpendar
Di sendunya dan hampa
Atau pada lubang raksasa pemalu
Yang menghilang kala pekat bubuk kopi
Ada hutan awan lembut yang menari-nari
Menarik-narik lembut jemari
Jendela-jendela besar jerat laba menganga
Padanya aku jatuh tertidur untuk waktu yang lama
Akar dan seratnya mengikatku erat
Tanpa geming

Aku suka warna pelangi
Atau semburat gemintang senja
Dimana senyumku akan mengembang
Dimana aku tak dapat lagi berlari
Karena kaki-kakiku diikat warna-warni

Ini bukan sekedar pecinta biasa
Pecinta para pecinta
Tapi hanya sebuah cermin tarsah
Dan cerita tentang danau hitam
Begitu aku tahu ceritanya
Aku terkatup rapat
Dan tak bisa kembali

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Adult Perspective towards the Stories of The Little Prince and The Little Red Riding Hood

Adult Perspective towards the Stories of The Little Prince and
Anita Yusticia Sari

The Little Red Riding Hood

The Little Red Riding Hood which is written by Charles Perrault and Antoine de Saint Exupéry’s The Little Prince are the stories about adulthood and its complexity. The similarity of both stories is in the broad theme of life phases to reach maturity. It is linked by the phase of adolescence (which is the underlying phase in The Little Red Riding Hood) to the phase of adulthood which underlies the story of The Little Prince. The different complexity of each phase will be the contrast issue between those stories.
Keywords: Maturity, Menarche, Sexuality, Sexual Abuse, Rape, Virginity, Adulthood, Marriage, Divorce.
The Little Red Riding Hood and The Little Prince have another untold story which shows the differences and similarities of adult perspective which lead the readers to the stories about the complexity of adulthood and the phases to reach maturity. Being adult is not only about being physically and psychologically mature, growing up, and having a happy marriage life, but it is about being mature in viewing life and the complexity of every side of life. Indeed, it is not easy to be mature in viewing life, because maturity is not only being mature by nature. Problems, obstacles, and happiness exclusively involve the phases of every human being to be mature, which will be the complexity of adulthood. It is important for every human being to be aware with those kinds of things in order to be wise in viewing life. The short story of The Little Red Riding Hood and the novella of The Little Prince cannot be read only as children stories. There are so many gems, uniqueness, and the relations to our real life experiences. They show us the different perspective in reading those stories. They have hidden life values which stated implicitly about the exposure of the complexity of adulthood. It is good for the readers to know and dig deeper into it.
The story of The Little Red Riding Hood which was written by Charles Perrault, and another well-known version by The Brother Grimm, The Red Cap, tells about the little girl who was swallowed up by the wicked wolf because she spoke to the wolf about her journey to her sick grandmother’s house in the deep dark wood. It seems that the story is very simple and general. In fact, the story is not a general one which takes much time for readers to dig deeper the hidden values of the untold story of The Little Red Riding Hood. The story implicitly has adulthood content, and it is a little horrible for us due to the fact that most people will probably think that it is suitable for children, and parents usually read this horrible story as bedtime stories while lulling children to sleeps. The adulthood content is about the journey of every human being to reach maturity. In this case, it is about the phases of a little girl to reach sexual maturity by experiencing the physical and psychological change.
However, the well-known novella which was written by Antoine De-Saint Exupéry, The Little Prince, which is believed as reach in symbolisms, pearls, moral values, and hidden story which correlates to the real life experience, even correlates to the author’s love life.
Digging adult perspective is not a piece of cake. Therefore, in order to get valid data and scientific information, the method was not only done by reading some reference books, but also by making the questionnaires. The questionnaires were delivered to ten respondents who were the students of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University whose ages were about 19 to 21. The respondents who were asked to fill in the questionnaires were the ones who had read the novel of The Little Prince and any version of short story of The Little Red Riding Hood. They were asked to think about the statements in the questionnaires which were related to those stories, and had to put a tick mark (√) on every provided columns of agree or disagree. There were eight statements which needed to be writing down the further explanation, which were signed by the asterisks (*) on the table below. Therefore, the questionnaires were a combination of closed and open-ended question type.
The questionnaires were divided into three parts: the general statements, the Little Prince items, and The Little Red Riding Hood items. The division was meant for the sake of the ease of looking for information which was related to each story. The general statements were all about the general comments and the combination of information on those two stories. The general statements became the introduction to the main statements of every story. The Little Prince items were about all statements and questions which were related to the untold story of the novel. And then, The Little Red Riding Hood items were about all statements and questions which were related to the untold story of The Little Red Riding Hood and also the versions.
Here is the table of the questionnaire result which shows the total respondents who agree or disagree with the provided statement in each item, which can be the comparison of when looking for the data and supplementary information. In order to look for the information, the blank questionnaire had been attached to the appendix.

Agree Respondents
Disagree Respondents
Agree Respondents
Disagree Respondents
The Little Red Riding Hood items
The Little Prince items

From the result of the questionnaire, it can be concluded that both The Little Prince and The Little Red Riding Hood are the interesting stories to read due to its richness of moral value, word gems, symbolisms, nice plot, and strong characterization. All respondents did not object that those stories had the untold story which was directed the readers into an adult perspective and the phases of every human being in life with the complexity, so that the stories could not only be viewed as children stories.
Even though many of them had not read about the correlation of the story of The Little Prince to the real life experience, they believed that the relationship of the little prince and the rose could be interpreted as married couple in reality. In fact, the authors made the novella because he was inspired by his own experiences, which one of them was the relationship with his wife, Consuelo. In addition, one of the respondent made this story correlation became stronger by saying agree that he had read the untold story about the author’s marriage life which became the untold story behind the creation of Exupéry’s masterpiece.
The relationship of the little prince and his rose was also believed as the one which could not been separated from the conflicts. In the book, the rose was regarded as the dishonest one, who always said that she was the only beautiful rose in the universe. The respondents felt that the rose was not only spoiled, but also tricky. The rose was also regarded as the one who could not understand that the prince loved her so much. Seemed that this relationship was not good, so was the relationship of the author and his wife in reality which ended up in divorce because of the dishonest and disbelief.
Talking about the relationship of the rose and the little prince, the story indeed cannot be separated from marriage life and its complexity. Honesty became the main issue in the marriage life. The respondents made many comments on this issue, but the gist was only about keeping the marriage life. The sacred marriage life could slowly loosen its tight bond if the couple hid many lie and sin by telling the fake things for the sake of covering the mistake. When somebody was decided to live together in a marriage bond, the couple had to be responsible and trust to each other. It was also agreed if the conflicts which came to the married couple continuously, the divorce could be the ending of the marriage life.
The sexual interpretation of Little Red Riding Hood was slippery to do, and it was reflective because the statements which underlay this story were based on the respondents’ principle and knowledge. The culture of every respondent also played the important role when answering the questions which was related to sexuality and virginity. Most of the respondents found that it was such a taboo to talk about sexuality. The same thing happened when the respondents were asked to imagine about the age of the little girl in the story if she were a human being. A few number of pro respondents agreed that the girl was at the age of teenager who had recently menstruated, so that she should have exposed and taught about sex education. Sexuality and things which have the tendency to sexuality were not a taboo anymore. But the contra people would say that the girl was only an innocent girl, though she might had her menarche (or the first menstruation period), she should not have had the exposure of sexuality.
The shocking fact was that every respondents agreed that keeping virginity was the most crucial thing for girls’ or women’s life, because it was believed that many people would appreciate the women who are still virgin up until they are in a marriage life, and men usually look for women who are still virgin as their wives. Virginity was regarded as the most precious God’s gift, the crown, and the pride of every woman has. Therefore, keeping virginity equals to keeping women’s pride. There are many reasons why women should not lose their virginity up until they are married to somebody. The respondents gave the various reasons: religion views on keeping virginity, health reason, and psychological reason.
The closest conclusion for the fact is probably because most of the respondents were female, so that it was a sensitive topic if it is related to their sex. The moment when the wicked wolf swallowed up the little girl was also viewed as the sensitive thing. They said that the moment did not only tell about the rape of a girl, but also any deception which was done by men. The wicked wolf was portrayed as the wicked men or any bad guys in the world.
Even though the stories of The Little Prince and The Little Red Riding Hood were slightly different in viewing adult perspective, but they are under the same umbrella of the broad theme of life phases to reach maturity. Actually, The Little Red Riding Hood talks about the phase of adolescence to reach the phase of early adulthood, while The Little Prince is about the phase of adulthood. Therefore, both stories are inter-connected to each other because each story is linked by the phases which direct to the same final phase: adulthood.
Adulthood is not only about being older by age, or just growing up, but it is about being mature in viewing the complexity of every side of this life. As strengthen by Whitbourne and Weinstock (1979) who tried to give the concept of adulthood, they considered adulthood as reaching a state of maturity. They also gave further explanation about maturity as follows:
Maturity is viewed as being happy to act responsibly, accept one’s own social role, think logically, be emotionally aware, and cope reasonably well with life’s smaller frustration.
It seems that maturity becomes so important in adulthood life, so that Turner and Helms (1989) tried to develop the view about maturity further.
The mature/adult state promotes physical and psychological well-being by the person having sorted out their values, achieved the realistic-self concept, being stable emotionally and in relationships, and so on.
Simplified from the book entitled Adolescence (2005) by John W. Santrock, there are many developmental phases or stages in human’s life, beginning from infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
As mentioned in the previous explanation, The Little Red Riding Hood is looked as the story which tells about the phase of adolescence. However, the definition of adolescence is given by Evie Bentley in her book, Adulthood (2007), as the intermediate stage starting from around the time of puberty (at the ages of 10-15), which is a link from the childhood to the adulthood phase. Therefore, to reach adulthood phase, every human being must have passed the adolescence phase first.
The reasons why this story can be classified in a phase of adolescence are because of plot development, strong characterization, and great symbolisms. In the story plot, the little red riding hood which was known as the little girl was asked by her mother to visit her grandmother’s house in the wood. The girl’s journey into the deep dark wood can be assumed as the phase of adolescence to reach adulthood phase. In the middle of the story, the girl who met with a wolf could be interpreted as the complexity and problems in reality.
The characterization gives the readers about the view of who the characters in the story really are, and also their behavior. The little girl who was regarded as innocent, kind-hearted, and curious is not that innocent if it is interpreted through adult perspective. This little girl who was at the stage of adolescence, looked like an early-blooming flower in the middle of the desert, which makes everybody tempted to pick her. But the wicked wolf could be interpreted as the wicked man who was tempted by the beauty of the little girl.
However, in the symbolisms, the red hood which was worn by the little girl can be symbolized as the menarche or the menstruation period. Menarche is the first menstruation which faced by every young girl (Adolescence, 2005). The menarche can be a sign for girls that they are in the phase of puberty, and it is normal for them because they are not little girls anymore, but the ones who are ready to be initiated in the more complex life. This is a little bit contradicted to the respondents’ assumption—which has been discussed above—about the exposure of sexuality to the girls. Actually, the little red riding hood can be portrayed as the girl who had got the menarche and the one who were ready to pass the more complex phase as a teenager. Indeed, if the girl has menstruated, there will be a budding sexuality because of the hormonal change and also biological and psychological change in her body.
These are the reasons why The Little Red Riding Hood mostly talks under the broad theme of adolescence phase. Because of the adolescence phase cannot be separated from every human’s life journey, this phase becomes the link to The Little Prince story which mostly talks about the phase of adulthood.
The phase of adulthood is the final phase to pass by every human being after passing the phase of adolescence. In The Little Prince, the adulthood phase was shown by the content of the story. It told about the typical characteristics of adults, which are different from children. The adulthood phase came up in the moment of the narrator did not listen to the demand of the little prince to draw the sheep which fitted with the little prince’s imagination. Because of the narrator was busy in thinking about his broken aeroplane, he refused to draw the sheep because he was busy about the matter of consequence. And then, the adulthood phase also came up in the moment of the Turkish astronomer who discovered the asteroid B-612 tried to demonstrate his discovery to the International Astronomical Congress, but the demonstration refused because the astronomer was not in a costume like usual European scientists. The statements came up in the story that the grown-ups (or adults) are all like that, and grown-ups love figures. They are unimaginative, dull, and superficial in viewing world.
            From those statements, it can be concluded that the adulthood phase makes the difference on the adolescence and childhood phases. It happens because the adults’ way       of thinking is shaped by the environment and experiences which they have passed along with age (Adulthood, 2007). The changes in adulthood phase are linked to the adolescence phase as the effect of it. Once more, that is why the story of The Little Prince and The Little Red Riding Hood are similar in the broad theme of adulthood perspective.
            Contradicted to the similarity of the adulthood theme, those stories have different complexity which becomes the problems of reaching maturity in viewing life. The Little Red Riding Hood which tells about the adolescence phase of the little girl to reach maturity has different adulthood complexity. They are about sexual maturity, sexual abuse, and the importance of keeping virginity. However, The Little Prince which is under the broad theme of adulthood phase will have different complexity to The Little Red Riding Hood story. The complexity will be mostly about relationship of a woman and a man, marriage, and divorce.
            As explained before, The Little Red Riding Hood was believed as the story which could not be read simply as children bedtime stories. Instead, this short story talks about how a little girl could reach sexual maturity by experiencing physical and psychological change in her body. In the book of Successful Marriage (1947), the physical change in teenage girls in the phase of puberty includes the phase rapid of the physical growth (the growth of weight and the height), and sexual maturity which is indicated as the menarche, the formation of body shape, and a marked increase in the size and a change in the configuration of the breast, and the prominent body hair which appears in the pubic region, in the side of external genitalia, and under the arms.
According to the Santrock’s Adulthood (2005), it is concluded that the psychological change involves the self image, the standard of ideal self, and also physical attractiveness. Teenagers (especially girls) do worry about their body and sometimes looked standing in front of the mirror just to observe their bodies. They also care about physical attractiveness which becomes really important in the phase of adolescence. Teenagers will become very strict in determining the standard of ideal self which sometimes contradict to their real self. They perhaps think that a fat, short, and pimpled person is not attractive physically. That becomes the reason why they looked unsatisfied with their bodies.
Successful Marriage (1947) gave the further details of psychological change in teenagers. It involves the boredom, disinclination to work, general restlessness and irritability, moodiness, critical attitude, quarrelsome, the tendency to be easily offensive, sulkiness, lack of self-confidence, excessive daydreaming, interesting in religion and sex, and rebellious attitude.
            From the biological and psychological change in the adolescence phase, it is normal for teenage girls to have such increasing womanhood hormones which make them are budding in sexuality. The little girl from The Little Red Riding Hood who was interpreted as a teenage girl in reality did so, because she is in the journey to be mature in sexuality. Therefore, in order to reach the phase of adulthood, there should be an allowance for sex education and also the exposure of the things related to sexuality, because one of the most important elements of adult relationship is sexuality (Adult Development and Aging, 2003).
            Another complexity of adolescence phase which is found in the untold story of The Little Red Riding Hood is sexual abuse. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines the term of abuse as wrong or excessive use of something, and as an unfair or illegal practice. Sexual abuse can be concluded as a cruel sexual treatment to somebody which is done illegally, and usually involves the violence, for example is raping. The Little Red Riding Hood is a well-known and prominent story about raping. The moment of the wicked wolf was swallowing the little girl is believed as the moment of the rape which is done by bad guy. As everybody knows, the bad guy is portrayed best as the wicked wolf.
            The correlation of the symbolism of the red hood as the menstrual blood and the moment of the swallowing up the girl, makes another complexity in the phase of adolescence. The menstruation signifies that the girl is ready to the sexual awakening. In this short story, the girl lost her virginity because lack of alertness. She was entering the deep dark wood and started a journey, and then she unfortunately encountered the wicked wolf which directed her budding sexuality to the sex reality where it is interpreted as the man took her virginity by raping. It is not necessary to mention virginity as the other complexity of the hidden side of The Little Red Riding Hood story.
            At the end of this sexual interpretation, virginity matters most. In the result of the observation, it is also viewed as the most valuable and important thing for every woman. Nobody could find themselves agreed with the experience of losing virginity. They even did not let themselves throw in deep thought about losing virginity because of unplanned accident, such as raping, which had been mentioned many times. Everybody agreed to keep their virginity in many ways to protect their pride and their self-esteem. The importance of virginity is built by environments which support people to appreciate women who can keep virginity until they are married to somebody. Many people even do not tolerate to the one who lost her virginity. Still, virginity matters most since there is an attempt to keep it because of many reasons: religious views which forbid the losing virginity because of having sexual intercourse before having married, as in Islam perspective for example. After that, there is also health reason which views that keeping virginity will avoid women from venereal diseases or sexually transmitted-diseases (STDs), such as gonorrhea, AIDS, syphilis, Chlamydia, and genitalia herpes (Adolescence, 2005). The last one comes from psychological reason which state when a woman is not virgin, people tend to have many negative speculation about her, such as bad girl or even as a working girl. 
            Unlike the interpretation of The Little Red Riding Hood which is mostly about sexuality and its problems, The Little Prince which was already under the adulthood phase will have different complexity which was related to its phase. The relationship of a woman and a man, marriage, and divorce cannot be separated from this novella.
            Once when the tiny sprouts came up from the tiny seed in the tiny planet of the little prince was the moment for him to find out whether the sprout was a different sprout from the baobab’s which he hated the most. But then, the sprout began to show the beauty as a rose flower, beginning from one ring of petals. This could initiate the interpretation about how the love came in every man and woman. The tiny sprout of sympathy will grow up day by day at the beginning of the early attraction. And then, the sympathy sprout will grow up as the beauty rose of love and deep attachment between two different sexes of people. In order to look deeper to the beloved person, men and women have to do an approach, they will probably go for dating, or even just be satisfied in a relationship as intimate friends. But then, that is how which is called as the relationship of men and women happens.  
            When the men and women feel that their relationship is worth to bring in the next stage which is more officially tighten, then they will probably decide to live together as wife and husband couple in a sacred marriage bond. Indeed, marriage is not only about the unity of the initially unofficial relationship of a man and a woman into more official relationship in the eyes of laws and religion. But it is also about the mature thought about many things which are tended as pre-marital preparation. Henry A. Bowman in Successful Marriage (1947) gives the further explanation as follows:
Marriage was formerly an association between two people—in which the economic, reproductive, protective, and societal aspects were most important—with the personal relationship between husband and wife also important secondary.
            The relationship of the little prince and his own rose is known and believed as the marriage relationship of the author, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and his Salvadoran wife, Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry. The author loved his wife so much, though she had many weaknesses. Once when the little prince saw the beautiful rose flower in his planet, he started to feel that he would do anything to protect his beloved flower by placing her under the shelter of the glass globe to avoid from winds, giving her the water to avoid from the draughts, and protecting her from the sheep and tiger which would try to eat her.
            In a marriage life, love tends to produce the feeling of oneness on the part of the couple which they tend to feel identified with each other. Love also tends to give the person who is in love a sense of security and trust. This last word seems have to be questioning in the relationship of the little prince and the rose, which is also about the relationship of Exupéry and Consuelo. Exupéry’s marriage was known as rough. Some references said that Exupéry’s infidelity and doubts to his wife made the marriage failed. But if take a look at the story, the rose was believed as the one who admire herself, and did not know that the prince loved her so much. She told the prince that she was the only rose in the universe, but then the prince found himself disappointed because he found many roses like his own in the planet earth. This disappointment made the little prince did not trust and believe in the rose anymore. The rose had tell a lie, which meant that she was not honest to the prince.
            Dishonesty can endanger the marriage which brings to disappointment, mistrust, and even divorce. The relationship of the little prince and the rose, and also the relationship of Exupéry and Consuelo did not last longer. The little prince left the rose into the journey to many weird planets, and Exupéry’s marriage ended in divorce.
            Actually many things become the reason behind the divorce, including the missing of commitment and trust, as Golan tried to say:
the partner initiating the divorce as may view it as an escape from an untenable relationship; the divorced partner, however, usually feels betrayal, sadness over the end of a long-standing relationship, and emotional grief over the loss of trust and commitment.
Even though, the emotional commitment to a long-term marriage sometimes is not easily to cast aside (Adult Development and Aging, 2003). But if—as explained in the previous part—the dishonesty, mistrust, and disbelief happen continuously in the life of married couples, the marriages will lessen and loosen the sacred bond which tightens the couples to remain to be together.
Therefore, divorce and all negative views on couple such as disbelief and dishonesty are of course a part of the complexity of being mature in adulthood. People will get wiser if they have encounters the complexity of life, including the marriage problems.
The Little Prince and The Little Red Riding Hood are all about making people mature in viewing life and its complexity through the interpretation of the untold stories. Both The Little Red Ridinghood and The Little Prince has the similarity in broad theme of life phases to reach maturity. What makes the difference is the complexity of each phase. The Little Red Riding Hood which was under the phase of adolescence makes the complexity involving the journey of an adolescent girl to reach sexual maturity, the rape, and the important of keeping virginity. While, The Little Prince which was already in the phase of adulthood has the complexity of the relationship of women and men which is divorce and divorce. As a conclusion, even though those stories are different in the complexity as the effect of the phases, but both stories are talking about the adult perspective in viewing general life and how the complexity directs to life maturity.    

Bentley, Evie.(2007).Adulthood.New York: Routledge
Fishbein, Morris & Ernest W. Burgess.(1947).Successful Marriage.New York: The Country Life Press
Hoyer, William J. & Paul A. Roodin.(2003).Adult Development and Aging (fifth edition).New York: McGraw Hill
Santrock, John W.(2005).Adolescence (tenth edition).New York: McGraw Hill
Scabini, Eugenia et al.(2007).The Transition to Adulthood: An Intergenerational Perspective.New York: Psychology Press

Those two stories have many symbolisms, and mostly talk about the same thing: adulthood. They cannot only viewed as children’s story, they actually have many sides that you have to viewed in other perspectives.
What are they, do you think?
Let us talk about it! That would be nice J
Questionnaire: Different Adult Perspectives towards “The Little Prince” and “The Little Red Riding
   Dear, readers!
   You have read a novella by Antoine De Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince, which told about the journey of a little prince to many weird planets.
    I also hope that you have read about any story of The Little Red Riding Hood. No matter the version you have read, Charles Perrault’s or The Brother Grimm’s, or any version. The story was about a little girl which was ordered by her mother to visit her sick grandmother in a forest, but then she was fooled by a wicked wolf.   Did you remember all the stories?


You have to put a tick (√) on the box provided if you agree or disagree with the statements.
Some statements are also provided with the blank spaces for you to write and explain further about the statements.
The Little Prince is an interesting novella to read

The Little Red Riding Hood is an interesting short story to read

I have read about “another” story behind The Little Prince and The Little Red Riding Hood which talks about the symbolisms, moral values, gems of the diction, etc.

From what source did you read the “another” story?

I can find the correlation between The Little Prince and The Little Red Riding Hood stories in finding the hidden values.

What is that, do you think?

I think the story of The Little Red Riding Hood and The Little Prince cannot be viewed only as children story. I also can find the correlation with adulthood or adult perspective in life.

There is an adulthood story behind this story, and it is about marriage.

I think the relationship of the rose and the little prince is like a couple of husband and wife in reality.

The rose: I think the rose is spoiled.

I think the rose is tricky.

I feel so sorry to the rose.

The prince loved the rose so much and took care of it.

So what do you think was happening between the rose and the prince?

Think about the moment where the rose said that she was the only rose in the universe, and the little prince started to believe her.
But in his journey to earth, the prince found so many roses like his own.
I think the prince were angry and disappointed because his rose was lying.

If the moment mentioned above is translated into real life experience, I think the dishonesty can makes the relationship failed.

Why is so?
Some problems can endanger the marriage life; it can cause divorce for example.

Can you relate the story between the rose and the little prince with marriage life and its complexity?

The little red riding hood (let us say the girl) was a curious, kind-hearted, and innocent.

If the girl were a human being, she would probably be a teenager.

The wolf was wicked and tricky.

If the wolf were a human being, it would probably be a mean guy or a wicked man.

Think about the moment when the wolf swallowed up the little girl.
I think it is like a rape of a girl.

Considering that moment, IF you have any idea about the relationship with our real life experience, please explain about it!

I think if the girl were a human being, she were  mature enough to have an exposure to the things related to sexuality.

Why is so?
Think about the journey of the girl to her grandmother’s house in the deep dark wood. In reality, it is like a journey of every human being to reach sexual maturity.

The red hood which was worn by the girl symbolized a menarche (the girl’s first menstruation period).

If the girl has gotten the menarche, or even periodical menstruation, she would have had physical and psychological change.

It is important to keep virginity up until the girls are married to somebody.

If it is important, please tell me the reason or state other supporting proof?
This story mostly talks about the phases to be the real adult by passing the phase of adolescence and its complexity.

If you are pleased, please explain in brief!

October 2013
Anita Yusticia Sari

             ~Thank you so much for your time and cooperation. Have a nice day!~